101 HARLEY STREET | LONDON W1G 6AH | | 020 7935 4357
101 HARLEY STREET | LONDON W1G 6AH | | 020 7935 4357

We offer a comprehensive knowledge in all specialities, providing exceptional general practice and preventative health assessments.

We provide a complete service with tests and examinations done onsite for your convenience.

Our network of sought-after world-class specialists include current experts in every medical field.

Seven days a week, 24-hour response service for registered patients.

Dr Mohammad Tamimi MB BCh BAO MRCP MRCGP

Dr Tamimi is committed to empowering patients to regain control of their health, ensuring that an illness does not dictate their lives. He takes a transparent approach to communication, explaining the ‘what,’ ‘why,’ and ‘how’ of medical conditions and enlightening patients to develop a deep understanding of their health.

Dr Bob Sangar e1726751394378
Dr Bob Sangar MB BS JCPTGP

With over 20 years of experience as a General Practitioner, Dr Bob Sangar combines his extensive medical expertise with a passion for bespoke preventative healthcare.

Trained at the prestigious St. Bartholomew’s and The London Hospital Medical College, he went on to work in various hospital specialties including Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Elderly Care.

New Patients Online booking

If you require an urgent appointment, please call us, 020 7935 4357, as we hold a number of same day consultations off diary.