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Prevention is Better Than Cure

Improving your healthspan and lifespan by picking things up early and using the latest evidence-based medicine is the way we care for our patients and clients.

Research from The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that every year 17 million people will lose their lives too early from noncommunicable diseases (known as chronic diseases).

Evidence shows that if you can detect and treat a condition earlier, it leads to better health outcomes, as it may be possible to stop a disease from progressing.

Our newly launched Preventative Health Assessments, screen for all disease including heart, early cancers, inflammatory conditions and vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can lead to illness.

These health assessments options can be specifically tailored to you at the pre-assessment questionnaire stage, dependent on age, sex, and risk factors.

To discuss our Preventative Health Assessments further:

020 7935 4357 |