Opening Hours

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A Positive Start to 2023!

It has been a busy start to 2023 here at 101 Harley Street and we have been excited having Dr Jack Edmonds working with us on a permanent basis and seeing his patients enjoy the surroundings here. All our team of complementary practitioners have been busy as we all get back to our regular routines and in 2023 and we are looking forward to expanding the services that we are able to offer to our patients both inhouse and through exclusive partnerships with world class service providers. At the end of 2022 the practice underwent it’s first CQC inspection since moving to 101 …
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End of year message from Dr Sophia Khalique

Hello all, I just wanted to write a final few lines for 2022 to thank you for all your support in this first year of the new practice in our rooms at 101 Harley Street. It has to date been the best professional year of my career. We have been fortunate enough to have the support of patients like yourselves, new and old. None of this could have been achieved without the super team and my super colleagues Dr Simmy Kaur and Dr Claire Bassilious. Some of you might be aware that we will be joined by the experienced and …
Physiotherapy - Dr Sophia Khalique Medical Practice Marylebone

Welcome To Our New Physiotherapist – Kalpesh Parekh BSc (Hons) HCPC CSP

At the Dr Sophia Khalique Medical Practice Marylebone, we are always striving to provide the complete range of healthcare services for our patients either inhouse or through association with our network of world class experts. We are now pleased to announce that we have added physiotherapy to the range of complimentary health services available at the practice. Kalpesh Parekh B.Sc (Hons) HCPC CSP trained as a physiotherapist at Brunel University having previously completed a degree in Sport Rehabilitation at the University of Middlesex. He has accumulated extensive experience whilst working in a variety of settings in healthcare both in the …
IV Therapy

Get A Drip – IV Therapy Explained

What is IV Therapy Are you feeling tired, lethargic or run-down? Have you recently recovered from an illness but are now lacking energy? IV therapies could be the solution for you. Intravenous (IV) therapy enables us to administer key nutrients, vitamins, electrolytes, antioxidants and hydration directly to the bloodstream. The IV route allows for a better absorption rate and quicker restoration of levels in comparison to traditional oral treatments. We are working alongside one of London’s most reputable IV clinics to provide IV therapies for our patients. The most popular IV therapies that we advocate are the ‘Myer’s Cocktail’ and …
Flue Shots and vaccines


More people are likely to get flu than normal this winter as there is less natural immunity due to the Covid-19 pandemic. If you get flu and Covid at the same time you are more likely to become seriously ill. The practice will be administering flu vaccines from October 1, patients can schedule an appointment between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday. We also provide mobile flu clinics for corporate clients, at their workplaces. Pneumonia is a severe chest infection that affects 1 in 100 people. In addition to flu vaccine, we would now strongly recommend a pneumonia vaccine which …

Keeping Your Weight Stable

Our body functions tend to stay pretty consistent due to the homeostatic process which involves negative feedback loops. For example, if your body temperature is too high, a negative feedback loop will act to bring it back towards normal. So, hunger is another example of a negative feedback loop. When we are hungry our stomachs secrete something called ghrelins (a ‘greedy’ hormone). This gives us appetite. When we become satiated, the hypothalamus part of our brains triggers leptin production from the fat cells and small bowel which tells us we are full. Interestingly the best weight loss surgery currently takes …