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MPM Prostrate scaled 3

A Man and his Prostate

The prostate is a walnut size gland which sits between the bladder and the penis, just in front of the rectum. Most men know where it is but are unsure of what it actually does, and what to do when it causes problems. The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system. The word ‘prostate ‘is taken from the Greek expression meaning ‘one who stands before’ – which describes the position of the prostate in-front of the bladder. The prostate surrounds the top of the urethra, the tube that drains urine from the bladder.’ The primary function of the …
stop smoking

Smoking: The Facts …This might just take your breath away

Smoking: The Facts …This might just take your breath away Around 10 million British adults smoke cigarettes, which accounts to approximately a sixth of the UK population. 22% of adult men and 19% of adult women are smokers. Amongst both sexes, the prevalence is highest in the 20 to 34 age group. In 1974, 51% of men and 41% of women smoked cigarettes – which accounted to nearly half of the adult population. Therefore, trends are changing. 22% of women and 27% of men are now ex-smokers. Smoking is still the largest cause of premature death and preventable disease in …
MPM FLUE scaled 3

Flu and Pneumonia Vaccinations

Flu and Pneumonia Vaccinations This is the first winter that seasonal influenza virus will co-circulate alongside the Covid-19 pandemic. Mathematical modelling suggests the winter 2021/2022 influenza season will not only begin earlier than normal, but it could also be 50% larger than typically seen. If you get flu and Covid at the same time you are more likely to become seriously ill. The response to vaccination takes about 2 weeks to develop. Pneumonia is a severe chest infection that affects 1 in 100 people. In addition to flu vaccine, we would now strongly recommend a pneumonia vaccine which protects against …
MPM ED scaled 3

Let’s Talk: Erectile dysfunction

Let’s Talk: Erectile dysfunction Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common problem where a man finds it difficult to get or keep an erection. Also known as impotence. Unfortunately, even though it is often seen as a taboo subject, most men will experience ED at some point in their life. ED can cause relationship problems, embarrassment and low self-esteem, stress and anxiety, and fertility issues for a couple. Causes of ED are complex. In order to obtain an erection, a man needs to have healthy blood vessels, nerves, male hormones and a desire to have sex. There are many physical as well …

Oh go on then… just one more! Advice on how to reduce drinking

Oh go on then… just one more! Advice on how to reduce drinking Have you ever felt you should Cut down on your drinking? Have people Annoyed you by criticising your drinking? Have you ever felt bad or Guilty about your drinking? Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover (Eye opener)? Well, according to the CAGE questionnaire, if you’re scoring 2 or above, your drinking is excessive and problematic.  One of the most common questions I get from patients, family and friends is, ‘do I drink too much?’ Excessive drinking …


As the body goes through the menopause, various hormonal changes occur to include the reduction in the production of oestrogen. These hormonal changes can alter the natural growth cycle of the hair follicle which can result in finer, shorter hair and sometimes even hair loss.  Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is considered to be the equivalent of male pattern baldness. It usually peaks during the reproductive years and after the menopause which suggests a strong hormonal link.  In FPHL there is an increase in the transformation of the hormone testosterone to a chemical called DHT and it’s this DHT that …